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Knivmannen i Åbo misstänks för dråpförsök

Mannen som högg en annan man med kniv på Universitetsgatan i Åbo på tisdagskvällen misstänks för dråpförsök. Det var vid 18-tiden på kvällen som knivhuggningen skedde. Ögonvittnen sade till ÅU…

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En kommentar: “Knivmannen i Åbo misstänks för dråpförsök

  1. Ream C. Barclay skrev

    Jag ber om ursäkt för att jag skriver på engelska, men jag vill göra min åsikt så tydlig som möjligt. I was present at the time of this horrible stabbing, sitting only two benches away. I have observed similar situations before, but to witness a person being stabbed is beyond disturbing. Fortunately, several of us in the crowd had enough common sense to assist the wounded man as best we could (i.e. phoning police, ambulance, offering direct assistance). What I found equally disturbing to the attack itself, in fact it was appalling, was the number of people filming the aftermath with their mobile phones. I asked several of them why they were doing this, thinking perhaps as evidence for the police, but sadly it was for their own amusement/entertainment. What a sad, tragic comment on our society. I feel strongly that the pedestrain zone (Universitetsgatan/Yliopistonkatu) needs a more visible police presence especially with summer approaching. I am an almost daily ”benchsitter” for at least half an hour on my way home from work and it is sad to see the number of violent drunk persons who basically reside on the benches from morning to nightfall and thus prohibit others from using them, especially the elderly who would like and need to take a relaxing moment. Additionally, there is an ever-present drug culture in the same area and it is very easy to see where and when ”deals” are made – example: the steps to Betel-kirkko and also the very benches we use daily. Many blame a non-Finnish foreign influence, but I can assure you that the drug selling is overseen by Finns as well. My hope is that the very heart of this wonderful city can be kept clean and safe for the many who wish to enjoy it without infringing upon the safety and well-being of others. Thank you.


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